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La periodista más hipócrita de España: Esther PALOMERA, PILLADA en un renuncio constante
La periodista más hipócrita de España: Esther PALOMERA, PILLADA en un renuncio constante yagru 2 vistas • 4 días hace

Tertulia 'El Pentagrama' desmontando a Esther Palomera que la hemos pillado en un renuncio constante.
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Jesús Laínz - La explotación de España por la burguesía catalana - EFO248
Jesús Laínz - La explotación de España por la burguesía catalana - EFO248 yagru 2 vistas • 4 días hace

Lección de Jesús Laínz en la Escuela de Filosofía de Oviedo, el martes 9 de noviembre de 2021

La explotación de España por la burguesía catalana


Se trata de un resumen del libro de Jesús Laínz, "Negocio y Traición. La burguesía catalana de Felipe V a Felipe VI", con prólogo de Stanley G. Payne, donde se ofrecen las referencias a todos los documentos y hechos que se presentan. Abundante información sobre ese libro en:


El llamado problema catalán no es nuevo, ni surgió con la Constitución de 1978, ni con el régimen franquista, ni con el Desastre del 98, ni con la Renaixença, sino que tiene su origen bastante más atrás: en un siglo XVIII en el que comenzó la privilegiada situación de Cataluña dentro de España, privilegiada situación que se intensificó con Franco y mucho más aún con el régimen actual.

Jesús Laínz ya ha intervenido anteriormente en esta institución: “Pasado, presente y futuro del separatismo catalán” (8 abril 2013), “España contra Cataluña, historia de un fraude” (22 abril 2014) y “El mito del vascocantabrismo” (14 noviembre 2016).

Jesús Laínz (Santander 1965), abogado y empresario, es bien conocido por sus libros en los que desenmascara las ideologías secesionistas que sufre España: Adiós, España. Verdad y mentira de los nacionalismos (2004), La nación falsificada (2006), España desquiciada (2007), Escritos reaccionarios (2008), Desde Santurce a Bizancio. El poder nacionalizador de las palabras (2011), España contra Cataluña. Historia de un fraude (2014), El privilegio catalán. 300 años de negocio de la burguesía catalana (2017), Negocio y traición. La burguesía catalana de Felipe V a Felipe VI (2020) y La gran venganza. De la memoria histórica al derribo de la monarquía (2021), todos publicados por Ediciones Encuentro. Buena parte de sus artículos de opinión política y cultural están recopilados en su sitio de internet: jesuslainz.es

euronews reporter - Catalonia rises on a wave of independence
euronews reporter - Catalonia rises on a wave of independence yagru 2 vistas • 4 días hace

http://www.euronews.com/ "I am part of Catalan culture, and it is very important to me."

"We have a very open way of seeing the world. For many years the Catalan culture was undermined, I feel that if we do not fight for it, that will happen again, we will lose our way of seeing the world."

The views of two young people who are members of a band rehearsing for a concert to promote independence for Catalonia.

It's a theme that brought a million and a half people on to the streets of Barcelona, ​​the capital of the autonomous region of Spain, during the Diada, the National Day of Catalonia last September.

Initiatives are springing up everywhere in the separatist region. The village of Sant Pere de Torello, became famous by declaring itself an independent Catalan territory.

The pediment of the town hall has for a year and a half been flying the Catalan independence flag, but not the Spanish one.

"Currently, there are 180 town halls that have the flag of independence flying permanently from their balconies," explained the mayor of the village, Jordi Fabrega Colome.

Separatists decry the state system of fiscal redistribution, including public spending in Catalonia which is well below the taxes they pay.

"We live in a state of national emergency, with an unemployment rate of 22.5 percent of the population here. Catalonia pays 16 billion euros annually to the state, which does not amount to any form of services or investment in Catalonia. We have to have this showdown with the Spanish government," added the mayor of the village.

Catalonia is among the richest regions in Spain, and it pays the equivalent of eight percent of GDP to the state.

It is also one of the most indebted. Failure to negotiate an agreement with the Spanish government to give Catalonia fiscal sovereignty, has led the president of the Regional Government, Artur Mas, to call for early elections and a referendum on independence.

That would require reform of the Spanish Constitution, which does not permit independence, and of course steps to obtain international recognition.

"If Catalonia gets independence, it will be a state outside the European Union, and will have to apply for entry into the EU. To gain admission, provided that no member state objects, will require a very long process," points out Francesc de Carreras Serra, Professor of constitutional law at the Autonomous University of Catalonia. Economist Oriol Amat believes it is a theoretical question.

"I can't imagine that the EU wants to keep out a state that brings money into the European Union and is very pro European Union and in which the EU has invested heavily in the past."

It's a question which not least concerns some Catalan businesses who fear the effect of a possible exit from the euro, and especially a deterioration in trade relations with Spain.

Some large companies have threatened to move their headquarters from Barcelona, ​​if there was independence. None of those euronews contacted agreed to talk. Only this small publisher opened the door to us.

Javier Baratech, general manager Rondas said, "About 80 percent of the billing and the company's sales are in the rest of Spain. We would at least in the short term lose all those customers, and that would very quickly force the business to close. Trading outside Spain, and the European Union, our products would be taxed. Moreover, our customers tell us that if Catalonia became independent, they would look for other suppliers, in their own country."

One family business is not concerned about economic nationalism. The company is riding on the wave of independence. Its, "signature" product is the Catalan flag of independence.

"We have seen a fairly strong increase in sales. Every year, we produce large stocks, but this year was a record. There are people who were queuing outside the company to buy the independence flag," Laura Fenoy the General Manager of Estampser told euronews.

Beyond niche markets, will the Catalan, "label" be able to cope with the political uncertainties which generate the debate on independence?

Tourism, a pillar of the Catalan economy, fears neither boycott nor the loss of capital as Marian Muro i Ollé, Director General for tourism explained.

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Wifredo el Velloso y el origen de Cataluña | Documental
Wifredo el Velloso y el origen de Cataluña | Documental yagru 2 vistas • 4 días hace

En el episodio 38 explico cuándo surge Cataluña, el fin del Imperio carolingio y la independencia de los condados de la Marca Hispánica. Vemos personajes como el conde Ramón de Ribagorza y Pallars, Suniario II de Ampurias y Delá de Gerona, o el propio Wifredo el Velloso, una figura muy mitificada y aquí trataré de discernir la leyenda con el personaje histórico. Trato la sucesión de Wifredo el Velloso sin la intervención del rey franco y discuto la escala de grises en torno a los conceptos y realidad de la independencia y soberanía.

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00:00 Gancho
00:25 ¿Cuándo nace Cataluña?
05:33 El fin del Imperio carolingio
13:39 Los últimos condes nombrados de la Marca Hispánica
18:23 Delá de Gerona y Suniario II de Ampurias
23:31 La independencia de los condados de Ribagorza y Pallars
28:26 El conflicto eclesiástico de Esclua
32:27 Wifredo el Velloso, entre el mito y la historia
39:49 Los hechos del gobierno de Wifredo el Velloso
45:59 La sucesión hereditaria de Wifredo
52:16 El Veredicto: La escala de grises de la independencia y soberanía
54:26 Avance y outro

#catalunya #cataluña #historia

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